Con*Stellation XXIX: Leo

September 17-19, 2010 in Huntsville, Alabama

This page is for the September 2010 convention. Please visit for the current year's convention.

Con*Stellation XXIX Info

Have questions? Maybe you are looking for information about the Art Show or Dealer's Room? Or maybe you are wondering if it is ok to carry around that nifty katana you just purchased in the dealer's room? Most of your questions about the convention, that aren't on other pages, will be answered here. Take a look around. If you can't find an answer to your question, contact us.

Convention Policies

Weapons Policy

Con*Stellation has a weapons policy which allows the use of weapons as a part of Hall Costumes and as display items in the Dealers Room. All weapons not in use with Hall Costumes must be wrapped securely and taken by the purchaser directly to her/his room or off hotel property. This is a "Let's Not Be Stupid" policy.

Drinking Age/Policy

Alabama's drinking age is 21. Our badges will not differentiate by age, therefore those sponsoring room parties are strongly encouraged to card everyone before serving alcohol. We'd also like to add: Don't Drink and Drive. Con*Stellation would not exist without your attendance, and we want you back next year!

Mailing Address

If your mailing address has changed since your last Con*Stellation visit, please contact us and provide us with a current "snail"-mail (and e-mail) address so we can keep you on our mailing list. We will not share such information.

Dealer's Room

All dealers (and helpers) must purchase convention memberships. Table Rate: $60 for the first 6' table (includes 1 membership), $40 for each additional 6' table (no membership). Your requests for further information (please include SASE) and payment for tables should be mailed to the general convention adress, marked Attention Dealers Room or for faster response, email Sorry but we can't hold tables for you without advance payment.

Parties @ Con*Stellation

Room parties are a mainstay of just about every fandom convention. They are a great way to meet other convention goers, as well let people know about your convention, club, etc. Of course they add to the overall atmosphere of the convention as well. A convention with no room parties is like a bike with no wheel but not very shiny!

We'd like to encourage anyone interested to throw a room party. If you throw a room party which will include alcohol, we strongly encourage you to card everyone before serving them alcohol. Please refer to our convention policies.

Before making reservations, those planning a room party should contact us. Mark your correspondence (snail-mail or e-mail) Attention Room Party Coordination so that we can assist in blocking you into the room party area. E-mail is preferred. If you send snail-mail, please include a SASE. The closer to the convention dates we get the more we love e-mail.

Volunteering @ Con*Stellation

Con*Stellation is run by volunteers and we would like you to join us. We need people with various levels of convention experience, including none. We're as busy as a hive in summer around here. We want you as a worker bee. Contact us to let us know that you are interested in helping out! Please include "Volunteer" in your e-mail subject line so that we can direct your request to the right person.


The basics are that the con will begin with an opening of on-site registration at Noon on Friday, September 17th, and close for general operation about 3pm on Sunday, September 19th. You won't want to miss anything from Opening Ceremonies and Meet the Guests on Friday to the Dead Dog party (no actual dogs) on Sunday. Here's a more detailed Schedule of Events.

Area Guide

If you are on unfamiliar ground here in Huntsville, Alabama, you may feel a wee bit lost. Where is the grocery store? Fast Food? Indian Food? To assist with your quests for things that you can't get at Con*Stellation, we've created a guide to the area. You'll find listings for restaurants, grocery or convenience stores, etc. Click Now! If you'd like some general info about Huntsville, click here or here
