Con*Stellation XXX: Corona Borealis

September 16-18, 2011 in Huntsville, Alabama

About the Artwork

Most of the artwork featured throughout this website is the work of two long-time NASFA associates, Randy Cleary and David O. Miller. Randy has contributed the illustrations you see on almost every page. Many of these illos have been used in past Con*Stellation program books or promotional material. David O. Miller has also contributed artwork to Con*Stellation program books in the past. His greatest artistic contribution to Con*Stellation, though, has been the excellent artwork which has graced our Con*Stellation t-shirts since 1987! We really appreciate the contributions of both artists!

To learn a bit more about each artist, click the appropriate link to the right. To see an ongoing retrospective of David O. Miller's t-shirt artwork, go to the T-Shirt Retrospective.

View of Saturn from Titan, rockets lifting off; by Randy Cleary
