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Con*Stellation XXX Info

Have questions? Don't see a tab along the top (like for the Art Show or Hotel or Gaming) that seems to cover it? Or maybe you are wondering if it is ok to carry around that nifty katana you just purchased in the Dealers Room? Most of your questions about the convention (that aren't on other pages) will be answered here. Take a look around using the selections below the art at right. If you can't find an answer to your question, please contact us.

Convention Policies

Weapons Policy

Con*Stellation has a weapons policy which allows the use of legal weapons as a part of Hall Costumes and as items for display or sale in the Dealers Room. All weapons not in use with Hall Costumes must be wrapped securely and taken by the purchaser directly to her/his room or off hotel property. This is a Let's Not Be Stupid™ policy.


Dealers Room

All dealers (and helpers) must purchase convention memberships. Tables are 6'; the first table (includes 1 membership) costs $60. Additional 6' tables (no membership) are $40. We are not able to take payment over the web (so sorry; maybe someday) but keep reading on how to register by mail.

Your requests for further information (please include SASE) or your payment for tables should be mailed to the general convention adress, marked Attention Dealers Room. There's also a phone number at that link, but for faster response to info requests, email dealers@con-stellation.org. Sorry but we can't hold tables for you without advance payment.


Volunteering @ Con*Stellation

Con*Stellation is run by volunteers and we would like you to join us. We need people with various levels of convention experience, including none. We have to keep a lot of balls in the air to make a convention work; could you lend a hand (or two)? Contact us by email or snailmail to let us know that you are interested in helping out! If you email, please include Volunteer in your e-mail subject line so that we can direct your request to the right person.
